Research Publications

Journal Papers:

S.Gomez-Iradi and G.N. Barakos, Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of Some Wind Turbine Rotor Design Parameters, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 222(5):455-470, 2008. DOI:10.1243/09576509JPE526

Conference & Seminars:

27-30 April 2008

The BURN House Helicopter Weekend


10-11 October, 2007

EAWE 3rd PhD Seminar, Pamplona, Spain 

[Presentation] [Poster] [Paper]

3 October, 2007

Wind Engineering Society Symposium, ICE, London


14-15 June, 2007

Joint meeting of IEA Annex 11 and 20, Riso National Laboratory, Denmark

[Extended Abstract] [Presentation]

14 March, 2007

Liverpool University poster day, Liverpool, England
