Sabaet Campbell Profile

Sabaet Campbell

Global Employment Opportunities Officer

Tell me a little about your position and what you do on a day-to-day basis

I work with international postgraduate students providing employability related information and guidance, as well as with global employers creating connections and opportunities for our international students.

What is the best thing about working at the University of Liverpool?

The professional development opportunities on offer. 

Describe UoL in three words

Friendly; Professional; Inclusive

What are three benefits you’ve discovered about working here that you weren’t aware of when you started?

Access to The Academy’s professional development toolkit - this tool gives staff over 100 topics from emotional intelligence, to business writing and many more. It is very practical and useful, especially for someone who’s new to their role to update their skills in the relevant areas.

Family friendly – I really like the family-friendly policies such as flexible working hours, childcare and the holiday play scheme that are in place which make it possible for someone like me who has a young family to really focus on my work while maintaining the balance with family commitments.

Perks at Work – I didn’t have access to this in my previous job so it was a nice surprise!

What is your proudest accomplishment so far?

I have organised a virtual campus recruitment talk by a Global Fortune 500 employer for our Management School postgraduate international students which received a lot of positive feedback from the students. Through organising this event I got in touch with an alumnus who is currently working in this company and interviewed her where she shared her experience and advice. The content has been published on the ULMS PGT careers blog.

How did your education or past experiences prepare you for this job?

I’d worked in international student recruitment for nearly four years before starting this job and it helped me with gaining insight into the support needed for international students and effective ways of communicating with them, which is also an essential part of my current role.