NIMHANS-National Institute for Mental Health Neurosciences

NIMHANS is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic research into mental health and neurosciences. It is an Institute of national importance and one of India’s largest neurology centres.

A strategic partnership between University of Liverpool and NIMHANS was established over ten years ago, with an Memorandum of Understanding first signed in 2012 and extended for a further 5 years in 2017 and again in 2022.

The relationship with Liverpool is two-fold and led by Professor Tom Solomon who leads the collaboration on brain infections. Additionally, the partnership has a mental health focus with collaborations on longitudinal studies being led at Liverpool by Professor Helen Sharp and by Prof. Prabha Chandra at NIMHANS. More recently collaborative activity has extended to include neuro-imaging led by Professor Simon Keller at Liverpool.

The partnership includes an active dual PhD programme. Joint workshops take place annually to agree priorities and explore new lines of research, previously the University of Liverpool and NIMHANS having been awarded several Newton and GCRF grants.

Please see here for the events that have marked the partnership Liverpool-NIMHANS development timeline

Please add link here to a third project on the right-hand side of the page. Bangalore Child Development Study