Payments and Insurance

Estimate of Costs

The Reception team will have included an initial estimate of costs on the Financial Consent Form on arrival. This estimate is likely to be reviewed and changed by the clinical staff once they have conducted an initial examination and decided on a treatment plan. We will let you know if there is any change to the estimate and you will receive on-going cost information throughout your horse's stay at the hospital.

Farriery Costs

Our approved independent farrier, Ian Hughes, will provide you with a Farriery Consent form giving an estimate of his farriery costs for your approval. A hospital orthopaedic clinician will normally carry out a short examination prior to remedial farriery.


Daily livery is charged on a per day or part day basis so you may not be charged for a full day if you collect your horse early in the morning or drop off late in the evening.

Insured Clients

If your horse is insured for veterinary fees, please contact your insurance company and advise them that you have been referred to the hospital before any treatment begins.

If your horse is admitted as an emergency case, please contact them at the earliest opportunity.

Please obtain the necessary authorisations from your insurer in advance wherever possible and bring your policy with you for reference, if required.

Our normal policy is to request settlement of all accounts at the time of discharge. However we are willing to forward a claim form to your insurers on your behalf providing you agree that payment is made directly to the hospital and not to you. If you do not agree to this then you will be asked to pay in full at discharge and claim the cost back from your insurance company yourself after discharge. We do charge a £20 administration fee to process insurance claims.

Non-Insured Clients

If you do not have insurance for your horse, we ask for a £1000 deposit when your horse is admitted to the hospital.

If your horse's treatment rises above £3000 during their stay at the hospital, we may require further staged payments to cover the cost of their care.

Our policy is to request settlement of accounts at discharge or for day cases, on the day of the appointment.



You may request a written prescription for POM-V medicines that are prescribed for your horse at discharge. This will enable you to obtain medicines from a pharmacy or another veterinary surgeon. A fee is charged for each individual drug’s written prescription. We will only prescribe POM-V products following a clinical assessment and/or treatment of horses referred to us and are under our care. A prescription may not be appropriate if immediate treatment is necessary. You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medication that may be prescribed for your horse.

Please see Written Prescription Requests for more information.