Professor Catherine Tackley featured on ‘Tales from the Square’ podcast

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Black & white photograph of the Southern Syncopated Orchestra on stage.

Professor Catherine Tackley brought her '100 Years of Jazz in Britain' research project to the 'Tales from the Square' podcast series.

The project explores the influence of jazz on culture and society in the interwar years in Britain, when the arrival of two groups from America, the Original Dixieland Jazz Band and the Southern Syncopated Orchestra, brought jazz to public attention. Read more about the 100 Years of Jazz in Britain project here.

Listen to the podcast:

Download the 100 Years of Jazz podcast transcript

Watch a short video about the 100 Years of Jazz in Britain project


The 'Tales from the Square' podcasts explore the fascinating University of Liverpool collections and research projects taking place within the Heritage research theme. All featuring work being done by colleagues based around the city’s famous Abercromby Square, this podcast series brings these captivating and eclectic stories alive. Read more about the 'Tales from the Square' podcasts here.