Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT)
preliminary model results

(I) Observations (NODC data)
Sea surface TS
Mixed layer

(II) MICOM model runs year 100 (40 for NO3/DON)

(A) COADS forcing
Sea surface TS
Mixed layer
Sea surface velocity

Euphotic zone NO3/DON , NO3 exponential decay
DON refractory:semi-labile 50:50% ; 6-18 years refractory DON decay time scale (mixed layer/euphotic zone only)
Constant split PON:DON 50:50%
Export production and DON semi-labile ratio (case 1 PON:DON 50:50% )
Variable split PON:DON 20:80% in N poor environment (N<0.5), 80:20% in N rich environment
Export production and DON semi-labile ratio (case 2 PON:DON 20:80% )

(B) COADS forcing, NO3 decay ~ alpha*[I/(I+Io)*N/(N+No)], Io=10 W/m^2, No=0.1
alpha - max. production rate (Ep_max), I(lat,day) - daily mean short wave radiation spread over 24h
I(z) = Isurf.exp(-z/z*); z*=10m. Remineralisation depth 400m

Nutrient calculations every 12h, Max. production rate 5x10^-7 umol/(kg.s), DON refractory/semi-labile 50:50%.
Note the different DON colour bar!!

1) Variable split: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 80:20% in NO3 rich.
Export production and DON semi-labile ratio
4 pannel plot
No refractory DON
2) Constant split: PON:DON 50:50%.
Export production and DON semi-labile ratio
3) Variable split: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 50:50% in NO3 rich.
Export production and DON semi-labile ratio

(C) ECMWF forcing, NO3 decay ~ alpha*[I/(I+Io)*N/(N+No)], Io=10 W/m^2, No=0.1
alpha = 5x10^-7 [umol/(kg.s)]; I(lat,lon,hour) - short wave radiation contains daily cycle (calculated every hour).
1) Variable split: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 80:20% in NO3 rich.
2) Variable split: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 50:50% in NO3 rich.
3) Constant split: PON:DON 20:80% everywhere.

Variable NO3 limiting term: No=0.1, alpha=3x10^-7 if N<0.5; No=1.5, alpha=10x10^-7 if N>0.5
Variable split: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 50:50% in NO3 rich.
Cloud data used in short wave radiation fluxes.
Variable split: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 50:50% in NO3 rich, monthly cloud data from ISCCP.
Constant split: PON:DON 20:80% everywhere, monthly cloud data from ISCCP.
Variable spliti, Io=30W/m^2: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 50:50% in NO3 rich, monthly cloud data from ISCCP.
Time series
Zonally integrated NO3/DON fluxes
Net NO3/DON fluxes
Nutrient flux sections
Model NO3
Model DON

Data/model N-S sections
AMT10/14 N-S sections

Variable split, Io=10W/m^2: PON:DON 20:80% in NO3 poor environment (<0.5 umol/kg), 50:50% in NO3 rich, monthly cloud data from ISCCP. Increased southern boundary N relaxation time scale (180 days).
N_rich=5: Same as above, but NO3 poor environment defined as N<5.0 umol/kg.

Transport & DIN/DON budgets. Nrich = 5 ; Nrich = 0.5
PDF format of paper figures

III. Nutrient Streams & recent experiments
Sigma_0 , Sigma_2 comparison:
Sigma_0: Euphotic zone fields; & budgets
Sigma_2: Euphotic zone fields; & budgets

PON export estimates (paper Fig. 8 colour version).

Nutrient streams
NO3 observations: NO3 N-S section; NO3 E-W sections: Set1 ; Set2
Model NO3 E-W sections and isopycnal plots
NO3 flux density plots: 36N ; upper 2000m E-W sections

NCEP runs: default model run for 20 years with ECMWF monthly mean forcing (climatological mode). Another 15 years run with NCEP monthly forcing for the period 1990 - 2004 (interannual variability):
Subtropical; & subpolar timeseries. Model timeseries in BATS region.
Same period of 15 years from the default run - ECMWF monthly mean forcing (perpetual climatological year):
Subtropical; & subpolar timeseries. Model timeseries in BATS region.
BATS timeseries. Monthly means, based on BATS data. The fields are averaged over upper 100m, but in most cases only 1-2 measurements around 100m exist.

Lagrangian tracers: Fig. 1 ; Fig. 2 ; Fig. 3
Eulerian model tracers:
Gulfstream tracers at the layer of release. Gulfstream tracers at the Mixed Layer. Gulfstream tracers sections
Northern ML tracer

Particle flux included Gulfstream tracer ; Southern boundary tracer
Nutrient stream

IV. Latest runs

NCEP monthly mean forcing, sigma 2, 60 years dynamical model spin-up. PON:DON 35:65% (NO3 rich) 50:50% (NO3 poor environment); maximum export rate 1.2x10^-6 [umol/(kg.s)].

Coarse resolution 1.4 deg. model, year 100 annual mean Euphotic zone (EZ) fields (GBC paper default experiment)
Seasonal and inter-annual Nitrate model variability movie (~10 MB)

High resolution 0.23 deg. model: year 66 annual mean EZ fields ; year 66 January EZ snapshot ;
Year 62 - 66 January EZ snapshots; Year 62 - 68 January EZ snapshots;

This page is made and maintained by V. Roussenov,
Last changed 19 June 2006