Previous Research Publications

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  • Spectroscopic analysis and in situ monitoring of impregnation and extraction of polymer films and powders using supercritical fluids
    S.M. Howdle, J.M. Ramsay and A.I. Cooper,
    J. Polym. Sci., Part B, Polym. Phys., 1994 32, 541   (Article)
  • IR spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in polymer films
    S.G. Kazarian, A.I. Cooper and M. Poliakoff,
    Optics & Spectroscopy, 1994 76, 217.   (Communication)
    Translated from Optika I Spektroskopiya, 1994 76, 242 (Russian)
  • Spectroscopic probes for hydrogen bonding, extraction, impregnation and reaction in supercritical fluids
    A.I. Cooper, S.M. Howdle, C. Hughes, M. Jobling, S.G. Kazarian, M. Poliakoff, L. Shepherd and K.P. Johnston,
    Analyst, 1993 118, 1111   (Article)


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