Dynamical Systems

LMS Scheme 3 meeting on Holomorphic Dynamics

Monday 8th July 2019

Venue: MATH106

The coordinator of the Holomorphic Dynamics network is Dr Daniel Nicks (University of Nottingham) and the organiser of this meeting is Dr David Sixsmith.


13:00-14:00 Alastair Fletcher (Northern Illinois University), Julia sets, Cantor sets, and Spiders' Webs of Doughnuts

14:00-15:00 François Berteloot (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse), Lyapunov exponents and bifurcations near Lattès maps

15:30-16:00 Alexandre De Zotti (Imperial College London), Hausdorff dimension for irrationally indifferent attractors

16:00-16:30 Yannis Dourekas (The Open University), A new family of entire functions with no wandering domains

16:30-17:30 Gwyneth Stallard (The Open University), The components of the escaping set in transcendental dynamics