Module Details

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Code SOCI252
Coordinator Dr N Vitellone
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology
Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2023-24 Level 5 FHEQ First Semester 15


To explore the main academic literature sources relevant to the study of deviance and deviancy.

To examine historical and contemporary debates on deviancy in the UK and beyond.

To examine the different functions and strategies of the media and culture to ‘policing’ youth.

To provide a critical insight into the key cultural practices of deviance.

To identify the form of power that constitutes deviant practices.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Use and apply the main sources of deviancy literature for sociological research and analysis of social and political life.

(LO2) Understand the relationship between deviancy, culture and youth as a contested form of social regulation.

(LO3) Evaluate the impact and effects of media representations, discourses, ideology and media technologies in the construction of deviance and criminality.

(LO4) Appreciate and situate cultural practices of resistance as part of the process of social ordering.

(LO5) Demonstrate the relationship between theory, analysis and interpretation and the skills associated with evaluation and presentation.

(S1) Competence in using sociological and criminological theory and concepts relating to deviance in order to understand the relationship between deviancy and culture and respond critically to crime and deviance.

(S2) Appreciate the historical complexity and diversity of the ways in which deviancy and disorder is produced, perceived, practiced and dealt with in society.

(S3) The ability to identify the most important conceptual arguments in a text and to discuss, address and develop theoretical accounts of deviancy in group discussions.

(S4) Be able to assess and evaluate the role of the media in the construction of deviance and public disorder.

(S5) Written and oral communication skills, including the clear presentation of academic debates, and the student’s own arguments supported with evidence.

(S6) Critical thinking skills, including the ability to be evaluative with academic material relating to deviancy and draw appropriate conclusions.



The syllabus for this module contains three key themes:
(1) Historical and sociological perspectives on deviancy

(2) Case studies examining the cultural production of deviancy and its political effects

(3) The practices of deviancy for understanding patterns of power in relation to race, class, sexuality and gender.

Each of these themes is taught across the following sub-topics that are distributed throughout lectures and seminars during this module.

1. Historical and sociological perspectives on deviancy

- The historical development of ‘Moral Panic’ theory

- The media, technology and ‘policing’

- Sociological and ethnographic perspectives on ‘deviant’ practices

2. Culture and deviance

- Drugs and culture

- AIDS, sex panics and sexuality

- Riots, youth and racism

3. Deviant cultures

- Sub-cultures and identity formation

- Regulation and Resistance

- Emotions, violence and publics

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching Method 1 - Lecture
Hybrid - Face to face
Description: Each week students will be taught key themes, topics and arguments in weekly 1 hour lectures. These will provide essential information about each topic covered, direct students to further independent readings and also provide a key reading(s) and questions to be followed up in the seminars.

Teaching Method 2 - Seminar
Face to face synchronous seminars, safety permitting
Description: To follow on from the lecture material covered each week students will be taught in small groups in 1 hour weekly seminars. Here the lecture material will be developed further through critical discussions relating to the guided readings, seminar questions and visual teaching material. The purpose of the seminars are to ensure students have a sound grasp of the subject matter and know how to think critically about the theories, perspectives and debates they are dealing with.
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Self-Directe d Learning Description: In addition to attending lectures and seminars students will be engaging with guided readings and preparing answers to seminar questions in their own time. Students will also be expected to undertake independent reading of their own around the topics and debates they are introduced to.

Teaching Schedule

  Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
Study Hours 14


Timetable (if known)              
Private Study 130


EXAM Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Assessment 1 2000 word essay There is a resit opportunity. Standard UoL penalty applies for late submission. This is an anonymous assessment. Assessment Schedule (When) :Semester 2    100       

Recommended Texts

Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module.