Module Details

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Code CHEM495
Coordinator Dr N Berry
Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2008-09 M Level First Semester 7.5


Chemical databases are in common use by practicing chemical scientists. This module aims to introduce students to the skills required to use various chemical databases through lectures and computer based workshop sessions. In this module, students will will attend six lectures and six practical sessions in chemical database skills and database skills. The general aims of the module are:

  • To introduce students to chemical database skills, including on-line searching of literature, citations, chemical reactions and structures.
  • To ensure that students can exploit chemical database skills when producing advanced level scientific reports. This will be tested with specially designed assessments/ essays to demonstrate the use of chemicla database information within a scientific report.

(this module is for PGT only!)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to

  • Use scientific databases effectively for literature and citation searches.
  • Find relevant information from on-line chemical databases regarding chemical reactions and structures.
  • Be able to apply the database skills in writing an advanced report drawing from scientific literature.


Chemical database skills: Students will be introduced to scientific literature and databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Beilstein and Gmelin. They will apply search strategies using logical search combinations in on-line searching with citation searching and downloading references into a unique personal reference database. Students will learn how to search for particular compounds, reactions and physical properties using chemical databases such as Beilstein and Gmelin. The students will use crystallographic databases for structure based searching for compounds and downloading of 3D structures for molecular graphics work. The information gathered from two searches, including the use of Endnote to collect references, will be used in the word-processed reports; one of a selected scientific problem involving chemical literature and the second related to their research project. These scientific reports, which will be assessed, will be expected to draw on chemical literature and databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Beilstein and Gmelin.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The chemical database skills consists of 6 computer-aided lectures dealing with different databases and discussing search strategies, after which the students do 6 sets of assignment problems in their own time. Selected databases will be made available to the students in the Chemistry computer laboratory, and there will be six supervised sessions (1 hour each) where a member of staff will be on hand to assist students with database activities. It is recognised that self-study will be important for students to become well-practiced and competent chemical database users. Self-study time will be used for compiling the two reports in this module. The computer room in chemistry will be an important resource for them in this respect.

Teaching Schedule

  Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
Study Hours 6
Database skills lectures / tuition
Supervised database activities
Timetable (if known) Friday 9-10 (1-6)
    Friday 10-11 (1-6)
Private Study 63


EXAM Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Chemical Database Skills - Assignments  During semester one  First  60  Summer vacation opportunity for resubmission of course work.  Students will be informed at start of course about marking deadlines and late submission penalties.  This work is not marked anonymously. 6 sets of assignment problems dealing with the use of databases, database skills (5 sets) and x-ray diffraction (1 set). 10% from each assignment.  
Chemical Database Skills - Reports    First  40  Summer vacation opportunity for resubmission of course work  Students will be informed at start of course about marking deadlines and late submission penalties.  The information gathered from two searches, including the use of Endnote to collect references, will be used in two word-processed reports. In one report a problem will be answered from the scientific literature and presented with appropriate use of database information as taught in the module. The other report will be set in conjunction with the student's supervisor and should be related their research and use the databases and referencing skills taught in the module. The assessment of these word-processed reports will be by the module teachers and the student's supervisor(s). 20% from each report. 

Recommended Texts
