ULMS Electronic Module Catalogue

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Code ACFI341

Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2024-25 Level 6 FHEQ Second Semester 15

Pre-requisites before taking this module (other modules and/or general educational/academic requirements):


Modules for which this module is a pre-requisite:


Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on a required basis:


Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on an optional basis:


Teaching Schedule

  Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
Study Hours 24


Timetable (if known)              
Private Study 123


EXAM Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Assessment 1: Mid-term test Assessment Type: Written Exam Duration: 1 hour Weighting: 20% Reassessment Opportunity: No reassessment opportunity; the reason is detailed below - The final exam     20       
Assessment 2: Written Unseen Examination Assessment Type: Written Exam Duration: 2 hours Weighting: 80% Reassessment Opportunity: Yes Penalty for Late Submission: Standard UoL penalty appl    80       
CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late


The module builds on the foundations of the existing finance modules and aims to give students a solid grounding in terms of understanding the recent global financial crisis and a wide range of risk management tools available to financial managers. Particular emphasis is placed on the issue of risk measurement. The following types of risk will be analysed extensively:

Interest rate risk;

Market risk;

Credit risk;

Liquidity risk;

Capital adequacy, and;

Sovereign risk.

The class is run as a discussion based forum and you are expected to read all necessary materials prior to each session.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Understand how risk managementcontributes to value creation

(LO2) Understand how theglobal market for credit operates

(LO3) Explain the causes ofthe recent global credit crisis

(LO4) Overview the risksfacing a modern corporation

(LO5) Analyse the effectsof interest rate volatility on risk exposure

(LO6) Examine market risk,which results when companies actively trade bonds, equities and othersecurities

(LO7) Examine how creditrisk adversely impacts a financial institution’s profits

(LO8) Analyse the problemscreated by liquidity risk

(LO9) Familiarize with theconcept of capital adequacy and also with the Basel Accords

(LO10) Examine severalaspects of sovereign lending and the underlying risks

(S1) Adaptability

(S2) Problem solving skills

(S3) Numeracy

(S4) Teamwork

(S5) Organisational skills

(S6) Communication skills

(S7) IT skills

(S8) International awareness

(S9) Lifelong learning skills

(S10) Ethical awareness

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching Method: Lecture
Scheduled Directed Student Hours: 24
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Teaching Method 2: Workshop
Scheduled Directed Student Hours: 3
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Self-directed Learning Hours: 123
Description: These independent learning hours are aimed at supporting the directed student learning. Self-Directed Learning will include research activity, developing academic writing skills, and wider reading to support the module

Costs Information:
There are no specific costs attached to this module.

There are the following non-modular requirements:
ACFI204 and either ACFI304 or ACFI314

Skills/Other Attributes Mapping

Skills / attributes: Ethical awareness
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable): Examination

Skills / attributes: Lifelong learning skills
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applica ble): Examination

Skills / attributes: International awareness
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable): Examination

Skills / attributes: IT skills
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable)

Skills / attributes: Communication skills
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable)

Skills / attributes: Organisational skills
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable): Examination

Skills / attributes: Teamwork
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable)

Skills / attributes: Numeracy
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable): Examination

Skills / attributes: Problem solving skills
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Works hop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable): Examination

Skills / attributes: Adaptability
How this is developed: Taught/Lectures Workshop/Clinic
Mode of assessment (if applicable)



Introduction to Risk Management: Why Manage Risk?
Measuring Risk
Interest Rate Risk I
Interest Rate Risk II
Market Risk I
Market Risk II
Credit Risk I
Credit Risk II
Liquidity Risk
Sovereign Risk
Capital Adequacy

Recommended Texts

Reading lists are managed at readinglists.liverpool.ac.uk. Click here to access the reading lists for this module.