Photo of Dr Stephen Kenny

Dr Stephen Kenny PhD FHEA

Senior Lecturer, 19th and 20th century North American History History


    Selected Publications

    1. Capturing Racial Pathology: American Medical Photography in the Era of Jim Crow. (Journal article - 2019)
    2. “Specimens calculated to shock the soundest sleeper”: deep layers of anatomical racism circulated on-board the Louisiana Health Exhibit Train (Chapter - 2017)
    3. Medical Racism's Poison Pen: the Toxic World of Dr. Henry Ramsay (Journal article - 2016)
    4. Power, opportunism, racism: human experiments under American Slavery (Journal article - 2015)
    5. The Development of Medical Museums in the Antebellum American South: Slave Bodies in Networks of Anatomical Exchange (Journal article - 2013)
    6. "A Dictate of Both Interest and Mercy"? Slave Hospitals in the Antebellum South (Journal article - 2010)
    7. 'Slavery, southern medicine and the slave hospital regime' (Chapter - 2013)
    8. Slavery, Health, and Medicine (Journal article - 2015)
    9. Life and Limb (Book - 2016)