Search Help

Enter a keyword or short phrase in the search box at the top of the page to find information on the University website.

Enter a keyword or short phrase in the search box available from the fly-out menu in the top right corner of the screen.

Useful tips

  • Use a keyword or phrase you would expect to appear in the content
  • Double check the spelling of words, places and people’s names
  • If you don’t find what you’re looking for, try adjusting your search keywords
  • The search will only find content that currently exists on the website.


If we match the keyword or phrase to content that exists on our website, we will list them on a results page. If there are a lot of results, you can sort them using the filters that appear above the list.

No results

If we don’t find anything matching your query, you can either double check the spelling (especially if it’s someone’s name) and try again or search using a different keyword or phrase.

Not sure what to search for?

Find the information you are looking for by browsing relevant sections of our website.